Hi! I'm Kathleen.
I’m a linguist and teacher by trade, a financial planner by passion, and jack of all trades by necessity.
When I first started learning about how the world worked (waaay back when), I realized pretty quickly that things weren’t as simple as they used to be. My grandparents’ generation had an easy framework for success: work hard, find a good job, and you’ll be fine. My grandfather never went to college. He was a farmer, a construction worker, and at the end of his career, a prison guard. My family was built on the value of hard work and they thought that would be enough to set their children up for success. What I learned, is that it’s not.
The truth is, if you are coming from a lower-middle class family like me, “working hard” and “pulling yourself up from your boot straps” isn’t enough to build true wealth (and by extension, freedom). If I ever wanted to not worry about money, I was going to need to figure out how to play the game of finances. For over 13 years now, I’ve been learning as much as I can and taking steps to get me (and now, my little family of three) closer to that goal of financial freedom.
I graduated debt-free from my bachelor’s and master’s programs. I have travelled to 7 different countries and 14 (about to be 15) different states. I paid for my own wedding with no debt. I bought a house at 25. I currently have enough investments to be a millionaire by the time I am 59. And I’m a teacher, so you know I don’t make anywhere near six figures.
I decided to create Kathleen Anne Co. because I want to help others be able to build a life that they love and look forward to each day while also being able to afford it. Costs are not going down anytime soon and paychecks are not getting much bigger, but that doesn’t mean our generation has to choose to either be miserable but financially stable or happy but in debt. A life that you love and the freedom that you crave is within your reach. It just might take a little extra work and planning to get there.
If you're ready to take the plunge with me, start learning here.
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Learn from my own research and experience so that your journey to wealth and financial freedom is smooth sailing!

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